Currently I practice resilience earthworks, research, & teach through Mycoevolve & offer education/mentoring/ritual/ceremony through Roots and Trails
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An herb spiral students helped tend as part of our earthcrafts curriculum at Orchard Valley Waldorf School spring 2008
Part of my role as an educator is to provide youth direct connection with the earth and space for their curiosity to guide their learning. Youth thrive when encouraged to explore and offered scaffolding if needed. As they apply their learning, youth often identify places in need of change and create solutions. Through this process of deepening awareness and understanding, youth discover and wonder far beyond where they began.
Part of my role as an educator is to provide youth direct connection with the earth and space for their curiosity to guide their learning. Youth thrive when encouraged to explore and offered scaffolding if needed. As they apply their learning, youth often identify places in need of change and create solutions. Through this process of deepening awareness and understanding, youth discover and wonder far beyond where they began.
Our base camp before venturing via canoe into the wilderness at Kroka summer 2008

Imagine a living classroom whose walls are permeable to the surrounding community. Here students co-create a culture were respect, deep listening, non judgment, openness, vulnerability, inquiry, conscious communication, authentic investigation, accountability, gentle rigor, and fun guide the learning process.
Adolescent boys figuring out how to make waterproof shelter at Grandfather's camp, which Ray Reitze & I co - facilitated via Kroka summer 2008

With a decade and a half of teaching, guiding, & mentoring experience, I provide effective student - centered education through dynamic engagement. As I open doors and windows, to facilitating learning opportunities, students discover new pathways for growth, life skill development, and connection.